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Third Wave 2025 Overview

A Conference for Emerging Youth Leaders Dates:

January 7-12, 2025 Location: Orlando, FL, USA (Lake Placid Conference Center)

Purpose: Third Wave has been created as a global forum to gather and develop emerging NYI leaders in a global context. Description: Third Wave is a leadership conference hosted by the Global NYI Office, and developed through the Global NYI Council as part of the leadership development strategy. Main components of the event are worship, fellowship, learning, service, leadership development, connection and prayer

Participant selection:

1. Participation is by invitation only

2. Participants are selected by field NYI leadership through a process established by the field

3. Primary age focus of participants is 18-29. Regional leaders may allow leaders outside of this age parameter to participate at their discretion

4. Each field is eligible to bring 5 participants

5. Each region can choose to allow a field to bring more than 5 participants to make up for other fields on the region bringing less than five

6. In addition to the 5 field participants invitations are extended to all Field Youth Coordinators and Global NYI Council members.

7. The host region will be allowed to bring up to 20 additional participants, following the first three criteria items included in this section