Florida District Board of Ministry


The Board of Ministry on the Florida District primarily exists to prepare and evaluate the developmental progress of ministers in training (MITs) for ordination, through service experience and education. Further, it also serves to give oversight to the “continuing education” of those serving as pastors, or in other ministries, such as chaplaincy, evangelism, etc.

To fulfill its primary purpose, the District Board of Ministry functions in two sub-units, Ministerial Credentials and Ministerial Studies. Though they work in tandem, each sub-unit has its specialized function as described below.

Ministerial Credentials

To evaluate and affirm the gifts and graces for ministry of those who present themselves as candidates for district licensing and eventual ordination (elder or deacon) in the Church of the Nazarene. (2023 Nazarene Manual 229 - 231.10)

Ministerial Studies (click here)

To assist those who want to meet the educational requirements for eventual ordination in the Church of the Nazarene. (2023 Nazarene Manual 232 - 234.1)

Education for Nazarene Ministers

The educational preparation required of all Nazarene ministers is called the Validated Course of Study (VCOS). This is the minimum educational requirement. A VCOS curriculum is designed to develop the range of abilities under the developmental purposes of Content, Competency, Context and Character, as needed for effective ministry. Those preparing for ministry must complete the minimum VCOS program and must adhere to the specific guidelines of the region on which they hold membership in the Church of the Nazarene. (2023 Nazarene Manual 523 - 531.12)

Florida District Educational Resources (for meeting minimum requirements)

Church of the Nazarene Educational Resources

The Board of Ministry is also responsible for:

Candidate Assessment

"Ministerial Candidate Workshop" - an annual weekend event, jointly sponsored by the districts of the Southeast Region and Trevecca Nazarene University's "Center for Pastoral Health." This is part of the developmental evaluation process.


The mentoring of ministers in training toward their goal of ordination, and exampling a life-time of ministerial service to the Church.

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Life-Long Learning

To provide information and resources for the “continuing education” of those serving as pastors and ministers in accountability to meet annual denominational requirements for Lifelong Learning Credits (2023 Manual 521.6; 523, 530.18), and to remain relevant in the ever-changing landscape of ministry.

Nazarene Bible College - Institute for Ministry Enrichment: https://www.nbcime.com/

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